Thursday, May 7, 2009

Idol, Mom's Day & FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, first-I know Paula was lip synching last night.....but, she is in no way in the same category as Milli Vanilli people! I mean, did you see those moves? Do you realize she is about half a century old??? To have a body like that & moves like that WHILE lip synching would be a challenge for me-heck, what am i talking about.....i'm a little over a third of a century old & don't have moves or a body like that.....MAD PROPS TO PAULA.....don't hate!!!!

Which leads me to my next point.....FAT. I'm tired of being it. I've never been this "overweight" in my life....yet i feel paralyzed when it comes to diet/exercise. Everybody has something different to say about what is good to eat and what isn't good to to lose weight by exercising & how to "maintain" your weight.....I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT PEOPLE!!!! But when I am told 5million different ways to do it-I'm surprised that I even eat anything....for that matter, i'm surprised that i even drink water out of a plastic bottle, considering all of the stuff I've heard about that! I want a professional to look at me & tell me WHAT I NEED TO DO....but, i guess that means that I would need time for myself, babysitters & money.....which i have none of the above......

Mom's Day is mom is the hardest person to buy plan was to hire Molly Maids to come spring clean her house....she caught wind of it & absolutely refused.....she said "nobody was coming into her house to clean, except her" much for helping her, instead, i went to the Barrell of Crack (aka Cracker Barrell) and bought her can never go wrong there :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Photo Shoot 2009

My little girl is starting not to be my little girl anymore......

This is her 2nd year at Millie Lewis & she loves it-it is all girl & all her.....

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Unexpected Death of a really cool guy.......

Robert Lee Odom III

Robert Lee Odom, III, 28, loving son, brother, grandson and nephew, died Tuesday, April 28, 2009, of a sudden illness.

Born in Greenville, he was the son of Robert Lee Odom, Jr. and wife Iryna, and Gail Hines Odom.

A graduate of Eastside High School and Greenville Technical College, he was the co-owner of Auto Wholesale Center. He attended Brushy Creek Baptist Church.

Surviving, in addition to his parents, are his stepmother, Connie Holbert of Clinton; a sister, Julia Ann Odom of Taylors; two stepsisters, Ashlee McGlohon of Clinton and Mariya Orel of Taylors; a stepbrother, Stephen Blackwell of Moore; paternal grandmother, Peggy Odom of the Taylors; maternal grandparents, John and Carol Stubblefield, Sr. of Green Creek, N.C.; and several aunts and uncles, David and Jan Owens, Mark and Donna Odom, Larry Hines, Ron and Dean Hines, Melinda Stubblefield, Johnny and Jackie Stubblefield, Jay Stubblefield and Richard and Marilyn Hilyer. He was preceded in death by paternal grandfather, Robert Lee Odom, Sr.; and maternal grandfather, Eugene F. Hines.

Visitation will be held Thursday, April 30, 2009, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Thomas McAfee Funeral Home, Downtown. The funeral service will be held Friday, May 1, 2009, at 11 a.m. at Brushy Creek Baptist Church.

The family will be at 9 Angie Drive, Taylors.

Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting

stephen is totally upset.....i am in disbelief. HOW??? WHY??? No warning......too young.......too nice.......WHY????

Pray for us......

Monday, April 27, 2009

This pretty much sums up my home-schooling decision......


Can the school board guarantee my child’s safe return home from school each day. This includes the time that they are entrusted to your care during school hours. This includes but is not limited to safety in the rest rooms, in the hallways, on the stairways, in and under the bleachers, in the lunch room, in the class rooms, on the playgrounds, or on any school property.


Can the school board guarantee that a member of it’s faculty including but not limited to teachers, principals, aides, janitors and any school official, will not fall in love and attempt to sleep with, marry, fondle, molest, rape and sexually mishandle my children in anyway.

Can you guarantee me as a parent that my child will get a top notch education from a top notch school with verifiable records to prove it. Can you provide me with at least 50% of your current years students, verifiable records of above average success on all academic levels. With the exception of your hand picked students, can you provide me with a high level of excellence in academic records for at least 300 students that are above the national level for a period of 3 years.

Can you provide me with medical proof that all of the students that your school district has deemed autistic, ADD or ADHD are indeed suffering from these clinical deficiencies. Can you prove that the person, or persons who made these medical diagnosis are qualified to do so. Can you guarantee to me that the school board has a real interest and concern for my child’s education and is not only interested in getting state or federal monies for my child’s presence in their school district.

Can you guarantee that my child will not be bullied, beat up, abused, raped, fondled, molested, or turned out by other students. Can you guarantee that my child’s rights as pertains to God and holiness will not be put in jeopardy by school faculty that are gay or lesbian. Can you guarantee that my child will not be forced to accept the practice of homosexuality which is clearly against the laws of God. (for the record we don’t hate homosexuals but we still don’t’ have to accept this practice)

Can you guarantee that my child will not be exposed to drugs or alcohol as a result of going to your school. Can you guarantee that my child will not be racially discriminated against. Can you guarantee that my child will not be killed on school property during school hours while in the care of your faculty.

Can you prove that your school will not be one of those that helps students cheat on test to raise statewide test scores for the purpose of improving it’s image. Is your school one that accepts responsibility for children not learning or do you blame the children for the failures of the schools. Can you give a realistic account of America’s failing schools or do you consider teachers and school administrators to be completely blameless.

Can you help me to understand why schools are typically not held liable for the injury or death of a child while in it’s care and many times are not even investigated but the same rules don’t apply if this happens while in the care of parents or other relatives, friends and non school officials. Can you give me a legitimate reason why I should entrust my children’s lives into your hands when you don’t have to protect them from hurt, harm or danger. Can you explain to me why my rights as a home school parent are always questioned or challenged when home school students have consistently proven to be well educated. Can you explain why public school officials feel the need to interfere with home schoolers who are giving their children a safe viable education while the children under their very care are failing miserably. Why is that? Do you want more children to be given to you so that they can fail miserably too.


Can you explain to me why your policy states that if a child goes on a field trip with your school that the parents must sign a letter stating that the school board can not and will not be held responsible for the death or injury of a child while in the care of school officials. Wouldn’t it be more feasible to say send your child with us on this trip at your own risk? Can you give me a reasonable explanation as to why some public schools don’t report sexual abuse of children on school property, during school hours while in the care of the public school system. Can you explain why some parents have to wait months or even years to find out that their child has been sexually assaulted by other students. Can you help me to understand why the school board is more interested in protecting it’s image than it is the safety of our children. Can you tell me why many school officials oppose home schooling over public school when the school system is full of violence, threatening behavior, immoral activities, delinquent behaviors, and so on and so on.

Can you tell me why many teachers question the social ramifications of home schooling when the children that they would socialize with if they attended public school are the very ones that would subject them to lewd acts, homosexual behaviors, teen sexual promiscuity, alcoholic pressuring, drug pressuring, peer hazing, bullying, racism, hatred, name calling, lesbianism, and so much more. Can you assure me that my child will not be the next victim of an oversexed sexual predator be it a teacher or another student? I know that I have already asked this question but since this seems to be a constant occurrence on the rise, I felt the need to say it one last time.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

These "New" churches "springing" up..........

Ok...I'll be the first to admit that no church is perfect.....but, c'mon....let's get serious....some of these "churches" are that are coming onto the scene and drawing HUGE crowds are nothing more than social gatherings....

I am especially upset with the "titles" of sermons (definitely not something i would want my children to hear) and the songs/performances before the "peptalk"....again, not something i would want my children to hear....and then, even more recently-the things that this "ordained ministers" are doing during their "peptalks".....

No, I can't "judge" motives or hearts.....but i can honestly say & ask......would God-our Lord and Savior be happy with us coming together & singing "Highway to hell" or "...I don't even know his last name...." before getting up and drinking a beer while "speaking" on supposedly the holiness of our Father? Are you serious?

Maybe this really hits home with me, b/c there was a couple that was attending "this certain church" that was present while the "pastor" drank a beer as he preached that drinking is Ok & that as Christians, we have the right to drink alcohol...the next weekend, the husband/father had a few glasses of wine & was driving his family home-when he hit another car, killed his family, himself & injured others....

The way that we live, the things that we preach/ all matters...b/c in the's God that we will have to answer to & ourselves only that we will have to answer for....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Emotional Meltdown..........

I have felt so emotional lately........this is not me.....I'm not a cryer.....ever..........but the past couple of days have been a rollercoaster to say the least.

My grandfather is in the hospital (my mom's father) He can't breathe, the doctors are baffled....and so are we.....he can't even talk without gasping for air (and he's on oxygen) my mom is drained to say the least.....back and forth to the hospital.....trying to be strong for my grandparents and everyone around her......yet, she still has her home that she is trying to keep in order.....she is an emotional wreck-it kills her to see her dad this way (she is a daddy's girl by far)......and today is her birthday......seemingly going to go unnoticed.......i want badly to do something for her to show her how much i care......i sit here at work & cry just thinking about it......she is so much to so many people, but yet, isn't celebrated as she should be, b/c she is trying to be everything to everyone (including me & my girls) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

My (step)daughter is 9 & in the 3rd grade......she is gorgeous......absolutely gorgeous......and this has been the ABSOLUTE WORST school year thus far.....all of her self-esteem and confidence in herself has vanished.....all b/c of MEAN GIRLS.........she cries......she has a constant knot in her stomach & every bit of it is stemmed from jealousy.....i try so hard to build her up...and it hurts so bad, when she cries & tells me that she just ".....wants to be accepted and noticed."........

Next Thursday: Homeschool meeting @ downtown Spartanburg library.....I have to do something......everyone that isn't in agreement with me says....."What about socialization?" lol My answer is simple: God has instilled these children to me & my husband to take the best care of them possible.....if they are in public school, they have the other students & teachers to imitate & learn from.....when they are @ home.....they have a loving, caring, family environment & loving, caring, interested parents to imitate.....which do you prefer? My answer is simple......

I have a long summer ahead of me.....I want the best for my girls, homeschooling isn't an easy road.....but i honestly feel that for now at least, it is the best road.......

Please pray for me, as my husband & I pray about this big step......and pray for my girls that they will easily fall in love with the homeschooling concept.....if it be God's will.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


How is it that I am only working a 15 hour work-week now & I seemingly have less time than ever?

I want to lose weight-badly.....reallly really really bad.......working out daily? LOL Where is the time? To devote an hour a day for 6 days......I WANT to....but there are other things that need to be done:
  1. Clean the house
  2. Keep the clothes washed (and with a husband that has UPS clothes & regular clothes after he takes a shower and gets off work-it's like washing clothes for 5 people!!!) I am seemingly always waist high in dirty clothes!!!!!!!!
  3. Couponing.....trying to figure out WHAT i should be buying to eat (everybody has an answer to your dieting question-but they are all so different, i'm just lost & confused)
  4. Actually GOING to the several different grocery stores that have the best deals.......
  5. Cooking dinner
  6. Making sure the girls have clothes to wear, making sure they get their baths,etc.....

Then it's just CRASH........for me.......

My mom has Kylie half the time......i only work 15 hours a week....but i still can't fit any time in for ME & what i need/want to do......I'm seemingly constantly going and going....but staying in the same place.........

I want to finish decorating my house (I've barely even started) but i would feel terrible asking my mom to help me-b/c she already has soooo much on her plate to begin with....and stephen.....well, stephen doesn't need to get anywhere near a paint brush-he is so sloppy....(possibly thats his purpose??)

How in the world do some moms do it? They seem to be able to get EVERYTHING done......have a happy homelife, happy kids, healthy, skinny bodies, and a smile on their face......WHAT IS THEIR SECRET?


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Scale Confusion???????

I'm putting it all out here now............

The only scale in our house is in the girls bathroom-it's not digital.....but it's always been fairly accurate.....(stephen is my "tester" and can account for this)

I have always weighed (on this scale) about 187.....pretty consistent, give or take a few lbs......

As i have posted before, i have started "trying to get serious" about losing weight. I have started Yoga Booty Ballet......started on Friday, played basketball Sat, rested on Sun, video on Mon, video on Tues, nothing yesterday (absolutely no time).....i have ordered water when we go out to eat......i have the occasional Diet Dr. Pepper & milk....that's it......i've been watching what i've eaten......but haven't changed much there.....except maybe more veggies than normal.....haven't started Alli quite yet, want to make sure i KNOW what i'm eating i don't have any (ahem) accidents.......

I wake up this morning......curious.......weigh myself and the scale says.................................

170...............clearly i'm reading it wrong-or it's wrong or something................
so, i call Ashton in to witness what i'm seeing and i step on the scale again......................................


How can this be? I can't tell anything in my clothes whatsoever............Stephen said there is no way that is right, so i tell him to get on the is accurate with his weight.......

so now, i'm confused. i don't know whether to be happy or not.....b/c if i've really lost about 15 lbs (over the course of about a month) wouldn't i be able to tell SOMEWHERE!?!??!?!??!?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Yes, the movie.

Edward & Bella.

I am sooooo not into movies like least, that's what i thought.

I had no interest whatsoever in this movie, but, Ashton saw it @ her cousin's house over the weekend & told me to rent it & watch it.

I did.

I think Twilight is one of the best movies i have ever seen in my life......I didn't want it to be over!!!

The story of love.........the way it was portrayed..........was amazing. It left me speechless.

At first, I thought Edward wasn't cute @ all & couldn't figure out all the hype about him.....but as i sat and watched this movie......and how he truly, madly, deeply loved Bella with his entire being.......the things he said to her.........the way he treated her..............the mystery of him.........made him all the more intriging.......amazing.......and very hot!

If you know know that i am not at all a person of romance, but this movie left me.......i don't know............wanting that passion, wanting that romance......that chemistry with Stephen, like we once had.......i had forgotten how you can love someone so much..........with your entire being.............

THIS MOVIE WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Definitely buying it!!! And now, i'm on a hunt for the books........

I AM HOOKED ON TWILIGHT!!!! (never in a million years would i think i would say that) lol

March Madness......and I mean MADNESS!!!!!!!!! lol

Saturday night @ "The OC" (Oakcrest Baptist Church) we had our 2nd annual "March Madness-OC Style"'s a lot like Powderpuff....except basketball.....we do it as a fundraiser for the youth. It is an absolute blast & so funny to see which guys are going to "bold enough" to dress as women & to see what they look like once they are dressed's a good laugh-that's for sure. Then, us girls play basketball & our "women" cheer us on.....

This year, I sooooooo wanted Stephen to dress up-he is such a "manly-man" lol, that it was like pulling teeth.........he hated it & gave me a fit to the end, but I think he had fun, now that's it's all said & done......I painted his nails, bought him a cute dress from the Nearly New Shop, a feather boa, he wore Kylie's Hannah Montana wig....and of course, i did his make-up......I bought his black sandal wedged heel shoes from Goodwill-they are totally cute.....but i have no idea what woman actually wears a size 11W!!!!!!!! o.m.g!!!!!!!!! He tells me he's not doing it again.....but he just looks so cute, dont you think? teehee

Then, of course, there was my dad.......he dressed up last year.....he gets all into it....he doesn't care-he just loves to have fun & laugh..........he had to get a different outfit this year, 'cause he "....just couldn't wear the same thing he wore last year...." lol {BTW: he's the guy in the middle on the top pic}
And us girls? Well, we beat the Youth girls by 2 points.....we had to go into overtime...........WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! GO OC!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's for Real this time......(@ least i'm pretty sure it is....)

So, i "won" the entire Yoga Booty ballet set on Ebay for $15!!!! Which i thought was a steal!!! I started my first work-out on Friday....absolutely loved was Yoga....which is kinda' weird @ times....(I don't repeat all the weird "new-agey" stuff they say....but the stretching, wonderful! :) Saturday i was supposed to do the Cardio Caberet dance video, but i was so busy-i had no time, although i did get in 30 minutes straight of cardio-'cause we had March Madness at church (kinda' like Powderpuff) and i played basketball....and talk about sweating?!?!?! omg!!!!! (so i think i made up for my missed video) Sunday, of course is a "day of rest" i did nothing.....and didn't feel a bit guilty.....although i could barely walk from being so sore...... :) no heels to church that day! lol
SO, i plan to start back today with my next dvd in line....not sure what that will be, but probably some sort of yoga.......

I have also purchased Alli.....i havent started taking it yet, b/c i want to try to start eating "better" first....which i have been making EXCELLENT decisions on my food/drink choices lately....milk or water is what i've been drinking-even when we go out to eat...i drink water....HUGE for me.....I just started getting daily emails from Alli, it helps you with your food choices.....etc....'cause some of the side effects....ummmm....let's just say, it's possible that i may need an extra pair of clothes with me at all times if i'm not eating like i should

My first goal is to lose 9 lbs......i bought a dress last spring-it's beautiful.....and i really want to wear it for, that's my first goal......

Hopefully this time, i will stick with's my girls can do the DVD's with me!!!!!

So, I will keep you posted........

Friday, March 13, 2009

~~~~Questions Without Answers ~~~~~~

How is it that my hours @ work have been cut, yet, i don't seem to have anymore time to do anything?????????

Why can I not stick to losing my weight?? I am sooo {puke} over the whole issue....Where is my motivation?????

Why does my child have to talk SOOOO LOUDLY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

Why does my husband have to be SO HYPER?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

What's up with snow 2 weeks ago? Beach weather last week? and cold & rainy this week? MAKE YOUR FREAKING MIND UP!!!!!!!!!!

And finally.......................can you tell I'm PMS'ing????? :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Montessori no more......

After the pay cut/day cut at work......and after budgeting for the month of March......we have realized that Montessori for Kylie wasn't going to be able to work out. It's so sad.....i love her school, her teacher, their was the perfect place.....

We would have done anything we possibly could to keep her there-if it's what she wanted....but, after talking to her about it, her response was...."I'm kinda' tired of going there-i'm bored, b/c all they want me to do is learn." lol (I'm taking that as our sign from God)

So, now, i have to make that let them hurts my heart....b/c i loved it so much....but......i guess for now, this will have to do.

Now, i'm going to have to figure out if babysitting arrangements for her on the days/times that i am at work......but until then....i'm really enjoying her sitting behind me.....playing her Polly Pockets at the desk behind me......and soaking up every ounce of "little girl" that i can....b/c she won't be this way forever.....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

IT IS ADDICTING!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, this past Monday was the first actual "grocery run" i've made since saving coupons and o.m.g!!!!! I bought $100 worth of groceries for $54!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!! Between CVS, Publix & Ingles-i bought everything i needed (and things i didn't need) and even stocked up on stuff!!!!

This $54 INCLUDED 2 bottles of shampoo, 2 bottles of conditioner, 2 tubes of Colgate toothpaste, an 8-pack of Viva paper towels (the best papertowels EVER), a Venus Spa Razor, and a 4-pack of Cottenelle.......that was all at CVS & I got $6 in Extra BUcks for buying the papertowels & the razor!!!!

Maybe i don't have a life.....maybe i'm just getting old, but I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEW SALES PAPERS TO COME OUT so i can save some more money next week!!!! This is exciting!!!!!

P.S. And thanks to Lauren for those 2 couponing sites.........can't wait to keep up with those!!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I am basically at the point to where i have to "coupon" to save $ at the grocery store......

This could very well become one of my new "hobbies". Seriously.

It's a lot more fun that what i thought.......i buy my newspapers from Walgreen's on Sunday's -'cause they are only .88!!!!! Then, i save my coupons, check through my sales papers & start trying to figure this stuff out.......

Being that i just started, i don't really have a system....all i know is that last night I GOT PAID to buy toothpaste!!!! CVS had Colgate Total Toothpaste on sale (reg. $2.99-on sale for $2.09) I had a coupon for $1 i got it for $1.09.....then i got $2.99 in Extra Bucks for buying the stuff!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!

Maybe I'm getting old.......but i have a feeling Sunday papers & grocery shopping are going to become a new form of "excitement"/"entertainment" for me......

Monday, February 16, 2009

Times are hard.......

Not just for our family, but for everyone around me it seems..........

I have worked in a family business for the past 10 years-we have done great thus far, but, we are a "trucking company"and with the economy how it is now-we have slowly watched business almost of Tuesday, we didn't think we were going to be able to continue.....i really didn't believe i would have a job.....but with lots of prayers,etc.....I do have a job.....but, some things have changed......instead of working a full 5 days from 8-2.......i will be working mon/wed & half a day on thurs.......which also means my pay is cut in half as well......THANK GOD i still have a job......but, obviously with my pay being cut in half, this will cause hubby & i to have to really work on a budget, really watch where our money is going & really focus on what is IMPORTANT & the difference between wants/, we have started Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover......We are one Step #2......and are using our tax money to pay off anything/everything we can....from the bottom->up........
This will be my schedule for a while......this will be my life for a while....having to tell my girls "no"......not something either of us are used to.......having to cook more (for those of you that know me, knows this is not an easy task)........but on the bright side.....this means more "me" time.....i will be able to focus on my weight loss......running....not having to worry about where the kids are & if i have someone to watch them......going to the grocery store-ALONE......and using my coupons.....instead of getting to the register & realizing that the girls have piled SEVERAL items that weren't "on the list" into the

Like i said, times are hard....but this could very well be a blessing in disguise.....i am trying daily to focus on the positive....a little bit is better than nothing at all.......and God still knows what we need & HE WILL PROVIDE.....

Monday, February 9, 2009

Our Life

For those of you that know me (and those of you that don't)......this is me:

I am married to a wonderful husband for 6 years......we have 2 wonderful children (both girls) Ashton is 9 & Kylie is 4. My parents are WONDERFUL....although i feel like we live so far away from them, we are only about 30 minutes the wonderful land of "Moore" SC.

I have always wanted to "blog" just never knew how, until i started reading a wonderful person's Blog....which encouraged me to start one up.....for family, for friends, for anyone.......

At the present time, the economy is scary.......i am pretty sure that with my husband working at UPS for 12 years, that he has job security, but as for me & my part-time job, we're just taking it day-by-day.......
I really want to lose weight & I am tired of being at least 50 lbs overweight. I have tried diet after diet after diet, but when i don't see results, i move on to something else......

I'm an extremely anxious person........i worry-mostly about my girls (especially Kylie) getting sick.....with anything....cold-cancer.......i don't want to be this way, but with the help of therapy & medicine :) i am slowly trying to beat this.......

I don't have an extremely exciting life.......but i am blessed beyond measure.....and i look forward to posting....keeping you updated on my families events, daily activities.........................LIFE