Monday, April 27, 2009

This pretty much sums up my home-schooling decision......


Can the school board guarantee my child’s safe return home from school each day. This includes the time that they are entrusted to your care during school hours. This includes but is not limited to safety in the rest rooms, in the hallways, on the stairways, in and under the bleachers, in the lunch room, in the class rooms, on the playgrounds, or on any school property.


Can the school board guarantee that a member of it’s faculty including but not limited to teachers, principals, aides, janitors and any school official, will not fall in love and attempt to sleep with, marry, fondle, molest, rape and sexually mishandle my children in anyway.

Can you guarantee me as a parent that my child will get a top notch education from a top notch school with verifiable records to prove it. Can you provide me with at least 50% of your current years students, verifiable records of above average success on all academic levels. With the exception of your hand picked students, can you provide me with a high level of excellence in academic records for at least 300 students that are above the national level for a period of 3 years.

Can you provide me with medical proof that all of the students that your school district has deemed autistic, ADD or ADHD are indeed suffering from these clinical deficiencies. Can you prove that the person, or persons who made these medical diagnosis are qualified to do so. Can you guarantee to me that the school board has a real interest and concern for my child’s education and is not only interested in getting state or federal monies for my child’s presence in their school district.

Can you guarantee that my child will not be bullied, beat up, abused, raped, fondled, molested, or turned out by other students. Can you guarantee that my child’s rights as pertains to God and holiness will not be put in jeopardy by school faculty that are gay or lesbian. Can you guarantee that my child will not be forced to accept the practice of homosexuality which is clearly against the laws of God. (for the record we don’t hate homosexuals but we still don’t’ have to accept this practice)

Can you guarantee that my child will not be exposed to drugs or alcohol as a result of going to your school. Can you guarantee that my child will not be racially discriminated against. Can you guarantee that my child will not be killed on school property during school hours while in the care of your faculty.

Can you prove that your school will not be one of those that helps students cheat on test to raise statewide test scores for the purpose of improving it’s image. Is your school one that accepts responsibility for children not learning or do you blame the children for the failures of the schools. Can you give a realistic account of America’s failing schools or do you consider teachers and school administrators to be completely blameless.

Can you help me to understand why schools are typically not held liable for the injury or death of a child while in it’s care and many times are not even investigated but the same rules don’t apply if this happens while in the care of parents or other relatives, friends and non school officials. Can you give me a legitimate reason why I should entrust my children’s lives into your hands when you don’t have to protect them from hurt, harm or danger. Can you explain to me why my rights as a home school parent are always questioned or challenged when home school students have consistently proven to be well educated. Can you explain why public school officials feel the need to interfere with home schoolers who are giving their children a safe viable education while the children under their very care are failing miserably. Why is that? Do you want more children to be given to you so that they can fail miserably too.


Can you explain to me why your policy states that if a child goes on a field trip with your school that the parents must sign a letter stating that the school board can not and will not be held responsible for the death or injury of a child while in the care of school officials. Wouldn’t it be more feasible to say send your child with us on this trip at your own risk? Can you give me a reasonable explanation as to why some public schools don’t report sexual abuse of children on school property, during school hours while in the care of the public school system. Can you explain why some parents have to wait months or even years to find out that their child has been sexually assaulted by other students. Can you help me to understand why the school board is more interested in protecting it’s image than it is the safety of our children. Can you tell me why many school officials oppose home schooling over public school when the school system is full of violence, threatening behavior, immoral activities, delinquent behaviors, and so on and so on.

Can you tell me why many teachers question the social ramifications of home schooling when the children that they would socialize with if they attended public school are the very ones that would subject them to lewd acts, homosexual behaviors, teen sexual promiscuity, alcoholic pressuring, drug pressuring, peer hazing, bullying, racism, hatred, name calling, lesbianism, and so much more. Can you assure me that my child will not be the next victim of an oversexed sexual predator be it a teacher or another student? I know that I have already asked this question but since this seems to be a constant occurrence on the rise, I felt the need to say it one last time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I could NOT agree with you more. My husband is currently getting his degree in Education and I constantly worry that he will be disappointed when his high morals and ideals are threatened and questioned when he receives a job in a public school.
