Monday, February 16, 2009

Times are hard.......

Not just for our family, but for everyone around me it seems..........

I have worked in a family business for the past 10 years-we have done great thus far, but, we are a "trucking company"and with the economy how it is now-we have slowly watched business almost of Tuesday, we didn't think we were going to be able to continue.....i really didn't believe i would have a job.....but with lots of prayers,etc.....I do have a job.....but, some things have changed......instead of working a full 5 days from 8-2.......i will be working mon/wed & half a day on thurs.......which also means my pay is cut in half as well......THANK GOD i still have a job......but, obviously with my pay being cut in half, this will cause hubby & i to have to really work on a budget, really watch where our money is going & really focus on what is IMPORTANT & the difference between wants/, we have started Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover......We are one Step #2......and are using our tax money to pay off anything/everything we can....from the bottom->up........
This will be my schedule for a while......this will be my life for a while....having to tell my girls "no"......not something either of us are used to.......having to cook more (for those of you that know me, knows this is not an easy task)........but on the bright side.....this means more "me" time.....i will be able to focus on my weight loss......running....not having to worry about where the kids are & if i have someone to watch them......going to the grocery store-ALONE......and using my coupons.....instead of getting to the register & realizing that the girls have piled SEVERAL items that weren't "on the list" into the

Like i said, times are hard....but this could very well be a blessing in disguise.....i am trying daily to focus on the positive....a little bit is better than nothing at all.......and God still knows what we need & HE WILL PROVIDE.....

1 comment:

  1. Budgeting can be fun. Make it more of a challenge, you will see your bank account grow and groww and growww :)
